Weslaco 100/Facade Grant

The Weslaco EDC offers incentives/grants to small businesses located in Historic Downtown Weslaco. The Weslaco EDC provides two types of grants - the Weslaco 100 Grant and the Façade Renovation and Improvements Grant.

The purpose of the Weslaco 100 Grant is to maintain a viable and attractive central business district for retail, commercial, and office operations designed to assist in code-related improvements.

The objective of the Façade Renovation and Improvements Grant is for the enhancements to the façade, signage, and display areas visible from the outside of the building.

Apply and Download the Applications Today!
Weslaco 100 Grant
Façade Renovation and Improvements Grant

       Facade Flyer - FINAL - October 2023 - CopyWeslaco 100 Flyer - FINAL - October 2023 - Copy

"Thank you Weslaco EDC for making it possible for us to participate in the downtown beautification program. With your help, we were able to give our 1930s building a facelift. The entire process was stress-free and effortless." - Tamez Financial Group, LLC